
Welcome beautiful Soul

Welcome to our Full Moon Healing Ceremonies!

Thank you for being here! I created this space in order to provide healing to everyone who is interested in receiving monthly spiritual teachings and healings, as well as blessings, as we deepen our divine wisdom through coming together in the Light of the Sacred Circle.


Nurturing the

Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine

Lana works specifically with the energy of the Circle to bring in balance, harmony and guidance for both the Feminine and Masculine.

We work on reconciling and balancing these aspects within, as well as our shadow and light and our inner and outer worlds, through energy healing, light-language and spiritual and practical guidance.


the Goddess within

We heal and restore the power, awareness and acknowledgement of the Goddess that you are, together.

We all have the Divine Feminine within us and when we learn to see and nurture her, this allows us to go deeper into our bodies and into our womb’s wisdom, bringing nurturance not only to ourselves, but to the entire Feminine Energy.

We are able to bring in powerful healing for ourselves, our beloveds, our relationships, our sexuality, lineage, ancestry, past lifetimes, monad and to our beloved Mother Earth.


Full Moon Calendar 2021

our next full moon gatherings

Find the Zoom link for our gathering by clicking on the date of the ceremony


I would love to hear from you!

This is our Sacred Space

Thank you for being part of this Sacred Space. If you would like to share your intentions before each gathering, your experiences during the ceremonies, any feedback, testimonies or if you want to suggest a topic or theme for our next gathering, please do so here!