Self-love Journey into the God/Goddess

Online Self-healing Journey and Love-Practices to develop your own Spiritual Nature

III Modules $111 / Module


Love and Spirituality

Like the trees we grow in many directions. Our consciousness evolves through the leaves that touch the light, but we also grow in awareness through the roots that live in the dark. 

When we go within to find stillness,

when we learn how to be in silence 

and we learn how to feel 

and listen to our Heart, 

we become aware of our choice: 

we may grow in the darkness or we may grow in the light. 

-Lana healer / medicine woman

A Journey into the depths of you

This self-healing program is an online guide to rediscover and awaken your capacity to love yourself truly, humbly and deeply.

For me, Self-Love is one of the keys to safely develop your awakening, spiritual path and life-purpose (divine mission).

Self-love and self-awareness are one of the most important aspects to master in our lives, in order to experience peace, wholeness and joy, no matter how the outside circumstances may look like.

When we love ourselves, we are able to recognize and embody the Love and the stillness that are endlessly flowing, not only within us, but within everyone and everything in this world. We then become limitless and free.

Who you truly are

When we learn how to love ourselves, we also receive the Gift of becoming better lovers, better friends, holding more compassion and forgiveness for our relationships and the world.

Our busy lives are forever changed when we take time to love and get to know who we truly are. We want to love ourselves, but many times we don't even know how or where to start.

This Program was created precisely to guide you as you start or deepen your Love to Self.

This is a Journey back into your divine God / Goddess nature: your peaceful-, wise- and courageous-self.

Learn how to soothe and nurture yourself

We are naturally designed to self-heal, not just physically but energetically. In this program I will show you how to simply and easily activate your self-healing capacity, your compassion, forgiveness and nurturance towards yourself. These virtues ripple into our lives the more we practice them, until we are able to feel balanced and at peace with ourselves and our existence, in just a couple of breaths.

Knowing that even if we fall, we will be right there to pick ourselves up, through the love, the practice and the foundation we have already established within us.


This Journey is for everyone

No matter where you are in your life. This program is for everyone who wants to go into a deeply nurturing, spiritual and loving journey of self-discovery, wisdom and healing.

I will be taking you energetically by the hand each step of the way. Bringing in mind-body-soul energy healings, practical tools and daily love-practices for you to be easily guided and supported in your daily life.

This Program is a beautiful way of establishing a loving foundation with oneself, to balance your feminine and masculine energies, to explore relationships, sacred sexuality, what truly brings you joy and pleasure from within and with others.

I assist in healing core wounds, low self-esteem, lack, self-sabotage, attachment, stress, fear, obsession, disease and anything holding you back in deeply loving yourself.

Through Lana’s gentle healings, teachings and her personal favorite love-practices you will be able to rediscover the way of Loving Yourself, and may you do so always. 

Specially advisable for anyone moving towards Union within and without.

The way we build relationships is deeply affected by the way we relate to ourselves from within. How we treat ourselves on a daily basis reflects on all others who are in relationship with us. This Healing Journey will provide you with the tools and guidance to heal your heart and soul from within, so you can share your Love with the world, from an empowered and balanced state of being.

Self-Love Journey into the God / Goddess

Each Module includes:

6 recorded guided empowering Healing Meditations 30-45 min (value 1200 usd)

6 recorded guided 60 min Love Teachings (value 1000 usd)

6 of Lana’s favorite and beautiful Love-Practices 

A suggested schedule for you to do your practices

Q and A recorded session

And one or two bonus Love-Practices for the weekend

Membership to our community of empowered men and women

Lifetime access to Self-Love Journey Digital Library


Module 1

  1. Learn to Receive and Let go

  2. DM&DF freedom from action and

    freedom from emotion

  3. Body Healing - Body Love


  4. DM Warrior - Purification

    Learn to face challenges

  5. DF Embrace - Manifestation

    through pleasure - Joy

  6. Service - Become a

    channel of Love - heal

    yourself and heal the



Module 2

  1. Grounding your Light - Acceptance and Surrender

  2. Learn to trust yourself - Trust in Divine Love

  3. Feminine and Masculine Integration through the Body - unconditional love

  4. DM energy - practice how to set boundaries and seed to manifest

  5.  Embrace Boundaries - Fem / Masc - Understanding Polarity as Complementary - bringing Unity

  6. DF energy - practice how to embrace and RECEIVE all by being in the Present Moment


Module 3

  1. Grounding breath and self-

    esteem / Human- Angel

  2. Becoming Fearless / going

    beyond fear - Celebration

  3. Evoking Light - Feeling safe

    Sexuality and Vulnerability

    (divine union meditation)

  4. Allowance and Surrender -

    masc / fem - Shamanic Practice

  5. Going beyond self

    transcend wounds - reassert


  6. Manifestation - transmute neg.

    energies into Love and


Self-love Journey into the God/Goddess

Online Self-healing Journey and Love-Practices to develop your own Spiritual Nature

III Modules $111 / Module

