Legal is a platform and/or website whose rights belong to spiritual healer and teacher Samantha Leiva Robles (Lana Healer / Medicine Woman) creator and representative of BRAVE - Healing and Spiritual Leadership Program. By using the information provided on our website, browsing through our website, as well as making use of any of the services provided; you agree to read and accept the following Terms of use and Conditions, as well as the Privacy Policies, under which you may use our platform. You will be strictly bound by these, as if you had signed in writing this adhesive contract, for the provision of services is merely informative, and therefore it is necessary that you have the legal capacity according to your jurisdiction, the right and freedom to accept these Terms and Conditions, which by mutual agreement are recognized by both parties as binding.

Terms 0f Conditions and BRAVE - Healing and Spiritual Leadership Program is a platform and/or website created to offer spiritual healing services, for which we provide the widest information through digital means for your best perception and visualization, all the material you can find on our website once you subscribe to any program, membership and choose the option that best suits you and adapts to your needs. It is important to mention that all the information you obtain through our website is merely informative and for entertainment purposes only. It is also aimed at the general public, focused on spiritual healing, so it does not guarantee the healing of any patient or client, however we create the best content to provide you with the best service so that it is you who is responsible for achieving your goals and purposes. All information provided through our platform does not constitute or substitute any medical, psychological, psychiatric or any other type of care, medical care, diagnosis or medical advice whatsoever. In the case that you require any medical attention, we recommend consulting a specialist, medical doctor or else, to treat any type of problem, damage or physical or psychological injury.


By accepting these terms and conditions, and subscribing to this platform and/or website; you express your entire willingness to acquire such service by agreeing to: (i)- indemnify and remove from liability the spiritual healer Samantha Leiva Robles (Lana Healer / Medicine Woman) from any claim, damage, loss, liability, claim, reimbursement or expense (including attorneys' fees) generated as a result of, or arising out of, or in connection with your use of the platform or any of the services offered therein; (ii)- and BRAVE have the power to change services without prior notice; stop providing the services or any features of the services we offer; or create limits for services. We may permanently or temporarily suspend access to the Services without notice or liability for any reason, or for no reason, ii).- to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the owner assumes no responsibility for a) errors or inaccuracies of content; (b) personal injury or damage to property or any nature whatsoever, as a result of the materialization of the information we provide as part of the service; and (c) any access to our database of our secure servers and/or all personal information stored therein, in the case of a request made by the competent governmental authorities; (iii) you shall have the power to terminate the provision of this service at any time, provided that you expressly expressly expressly provide it. The above can be done through the website and iv).- if you are under any side effect or dissatisfied with this service, users are advised to consult their doctor and professionals before acting on any matter related to this document.


The name BRAVE HEALING & SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAM and the website are property of spiritual healer and teacher Samantha Leiva Robles (Lana Healer / Medicine Woman), as well as all information provided as part of this service, such as titles, content (including, for example, audio, photographs, illustrations, graphics, other visual media, videos, copies, texts, software, titles, Shock Wave files, etc.), codes, data and materials thereof, the appearance and environment, design and organization of the platform and/or website, the compilation of the contents, codes, data and materials on the website, including but not limited to, any copyright, trademark rights, patent , moral rights, sui generis rights and other intellectual property, property rights of the same, and in general of the entire platform and/or website. Use of this platform does not grant you ownership of any of the content, codes, data or materials you may access on or through this platform. Any commercial or promotional distribution, publication or exploitation of this platform or any of the contents, data, materials, etc. is strictly prohibited. Users agree not to exploit or infringe industrial and intellectual property rights, otherwise such conduct will result in the responsibilities and actions legally established in the laws applicable to their jurisdiction in the United States of America, as well as in Latin America, Europe, the Russian Federation, the Middle East or Africa, Asia, the Pacific (including Pakistan and Kazakhstan) and Australia.

Privacy Policy


At and BRAVE we provide security to personal and confidential data, under the laws governing States, which may vary from each other; so these Privacy Policies are governed by the international standard of confidentiality and protection of personal data ISO 27001, as well as by applicable laws in accordance with their jurisdiction in the United States of America, as well as in Latin America, Europe, the Russian Federation, the Middle East or Africa, Asia, the Pacific (including Pakistan and Kazakhstan) and Australia.

I. COLLECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL DATA is committed to protecting and guaranteeing the personal data that is deposited on our website. The data we collect will be highly protected since from the moment they are provided to us they will obtain the character of confidential, whose purpose is: i).- create an account, ii).- subscribe to our service, iii).- send questions or request clarifications etc,; the above may be done via email, by sending your feedback to the email address, iv).- interact with our customer service team, v).- supplement our surveys, vi).- monitor and evaluate trends, use and activities in relation to our service, vii).- prevent, detect and investigate potentially prohibited or illegal activities and enforce our terms and policies; (viii)- Customize and improve the service and provide content, communications or functions that match the interests of users; and ix).- link or combine with other information we obtain from third parties to help understand your needs and provide you with a better service. We reserve the right at all times to review your content and information to help resolve issues with our software. All data provided to us, to name a few in an enumerative but not limited way such as email, name, date of birth, age, entity of residence, telephone number, information regarding your payment method such as credit or debit cards, PayPal, etc., official identification, or any other data or document provided to us, will be for the sole purpose of providing the best service and content for the audience , so they will be protected and protected in our database from the moment you click accept or continue. It is important to note that all confidential data provided to us will not be shared or disclosed in any way to third parties, except where required by the competent governmental authorities. Payment method data (credit, debit, debit cards, PayPal, etc.) will not be stored except as necessary to complete and satisfy our rights and obligations with respect to such transaction, billing arrangement and/or as authorized by you. No refund or refund will be made, once the contract for the provision of services has been signed which will be provided to you later once you click on accept at the end of this document. Our servers automatically collect usage information about your use of the platform and/or website, including web pages visited, the number of logins, data displayed or clicked, actions taken, your language preference, and other login information. We may collect automated error reports in the event of software failures, which may contain some or all of the information in your account and content and may be reviewed to help resolve issues with the site. We collect information from the device and application you use to access our Product. The device data mainly refers to your IP address, operating system version, device type, device ID/MAC address, system information and performance and browser type. If you are on a mobile device, we also collect the UUID for that device. We use a variety of technologies to collect this information, such as our own and third-party cookies and tracking services that use cookies and page tags (also known as web beacons). This data includes usage statistics and users. Emails sent by BRAVE or by users through our platform also include page tags that allow the sender to collect information about who opened those emails and who clicked on the links on them. Collection of Personal Data by Third Party Sites and Sponsors: Some of the pages on our website may contain links to other websites whose information practices may be different from ours. Visitors and Customers should consult the other websites’ privacy notices, as we have no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by, these third parties. We may sometimes offer content that is sponsored by or co-branded with identified third parties. By virtue of these relationships, the third parties may obtain personally identifiable information that visitors voluntarily submit to participate in the website activity. We have no control over these third parties’ use of this information. We will notify you at the time of requesting personally identifiable information if these third parties will obtain such information.


We will notify you before making changes to this policy and give you the opportunity to review the modifications before continuing to use our products and services. If you have any questions or comments regarding our policy contact us via email, as well as at the address located at Calle Miramar #9, Conjunto Esmeralda, Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico. All of the above based on the provisions of updated Principles on the Privacy and Protection of Personal Data, created by the Inter-American Legal Committee (CJI) which is one of the main bodies of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Hague Convention on the Choice of Law applicable to international commercial contracts, which is applicable in the United States of America and the Mexican Republic because it is subject to international agreements and treaties; the provisions of Mexican law Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, General Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Required Subjects (LGPDPPSO), whose authority is competent by the Federal Courts of the Mexican Republic and the international standard ISO 27001, (ISO: "International Organization for Standardization'') and by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). For the exercise of your rights, you will submit to the laws and authorities established above, expressly under the jurisdiction of your place of residence and submitting to the competent courts to know about any dispute that may have risen against this document.


This privacy notice as well as the terms and conditions may be subject to modifications, changes or updates, in view of the applicable regulations, mechanisms and policies that are issued for this purpose. Modifications, changes or updates will be made known through the website