Private Coaching with Lana Healer Medicine Woman Soul Rising Twin Flames Twin Souls Soulmates Divine Feminine Divine Masculine

Profound transformational one-on-one Healing Journey with Lana, for those of you who are ready to do deep work in order to become your most integrated, aligned, loving, healthy and powerful-self.

The purpose of this exclusive container is to guide you and activate your healing capacity to the maximum, so you can create the life you want, develop your gifts and fall in love with yourself in the process.

Private Healing and Coaching with me


Single Healing with Lana Healer Medicine Woman Soul Rising

Single Individual Healing

$330 USD

Individual energy healing, coaching, alignment, attunement and clearing with Lana.

Only first time or ongoing clients, who have sessions on a regular basis. For all else please look at my one-on-one healing program here.

To find our more about a Healing Session with me please take a look at the frequent asked questions bellow.

This session includes personal healing/meditation audio-recording, lightlanguage and practical guidance.

Full Moon Healing Ceremonies Membership



The Full Moon Ceremonies, are an invitation for you, to join other kindred souls around the world, for a sacred gathering to receive energetic healing from Lana, once a month.

We gather on the Full Moon (as our grandmothers did) to harness the potent energy that comes into the planet at this time. We harness it to bless the earth and all beings, our loved ones, our lives, projects and creations. We heal and support one another, as we reawaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine ways, we gather in the sacredness of one Heart.


Divine Union HealinG

$350 USD

Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energetic healing, support and guidance. Profound energy healing that includes you and counterparts soul-blueprints restoration, healing of outdated Feminine and Masculine templates and systems, timelines, physical bodies, curses etc. for both Feminine and Masculine in the relationship.

Divine Union Template Activation, Clearing and Healing on all levels (human to spiritual planes). Empowerment of the Goddess and God within. Evolution and understanding of the Twinflame template into Divine Union as it pertains to you specifically.

This session includes personal healing audio recording for you to keep forever.

Brave Wo/man

Lana’s Signature Program for healers, lightworkers, empaths, coaches and guides



Healing & spiritual leadership program

I invite all healers, lightworkers of any kind, and anyone who is wanting to learn the tools, receive the healing, the guidance and all the support you need in order to be an empowered and loving being who knows how to share his gifts with the world. Are you ready to step up into their divine mission.

Self Love Journey into the God / Goddess

Online Program

A must for twinflames - lightworkers, a deep initiation in Self-Love

This is a profound journey to learn, practice and master how to LOVE YOURSELF.

A deep and beautiful introduction to your innate capacity to self-heal, to rediscover Pleasure, Love, Laughter and Joy!

This is a profoundly spiritual and self-healing program, which guides you into a powerful discovery of your own capacity to love yourself, to heal yourself and to be gentle and compassionate towards yourself and others, in your DAILY LIFE.

With day-to-day channeled energy healings, teachings and Lana’s personal favorite Love-practices.

Each MOdule builds upon each other and deepens as we go further and further into discovering your divine beauty, body love, strength, sacred sensuality, and balance between feminine & masculine, within you-




  • Yes, Lana opens up spaces for one-on-one consultations. If you want to be the first one to know, kindly sign in to our newsletter and you may also get on Lanas waiting list, if sessions are currently closed*.

  • A healing session with Lana is facilitated via zoom. The session starts with a loving and open conversation, where you can and are encouraged to share anything you want with her, and where you are particularly needing assistance with. During this conversation Lana makes notes and starts to receive energetic information and guidance from your soul (higher-self).

    She may ask a couple of questions if she is guided. Many usually feel the healing energies coming in right from the beginning of the session. Depending on your specific case (whether you are seeking physical, emotional, mental or spiritual assistance, or all combined, which is usually the case) she will facilitate the healing for you, taking all into consideration.

    During the last 20-30 minutes of the session, she will ask you to lay down and relax, to receive the healing. This is the part where you can fully relax and let go. You are brought into a place of peace and stillness, as you receive the healing, clearing, attunements, codes, and anything else your soul needs at the time in order to heal. Lana may tone or speak light-language to decode and recode certain parts of your physical body (and your energetic field).

    When Lana feels that the session is complete, she will gently bring you back into your full awareness. Many patients describe the feeling of being in a higher loving state, in a healing chamber, and coming back feeling extremely peaceful, nurtured, happy and calm. You may also feel a bit sleepy. Lana recommends to take a nap after the session, if possible, and to go to bed early that day and the following.

    Lana will describe the healing-processes that are being activated in your Body/Bodies and field during the session, and will also record the healing portion, as a gift for you to keep and re-listen to in the coming weeks, and/or to be used as your own personal guided healing meditation, as often as you like

    This will allow you to go even deeper into your self-healing capacity and awareness. If there is anything of importance to share with the client, Lana will do so, as well as any guidance or any spiritual / practical recommendation that she may rec eive, in order to support you.

  • Yes. As our bodies receive and integrate higher Levels of Light and spiritual-healing energy, they may relax deeply, in order to allow the healing process to occur easily and without the interference of the lower mind. You may also feel energy flowing through your body, see colors and geometric shapes, you may feel your Higher Guides with you and you may also feel hot and cold sensations through your body. This is all normal as we are moving the energy of your field and allowing stagnant energy to flow out of the body, as new fresh light replenishes your Body/Bodies with higher healing frequencies specifically to assist you.

  • All is welcome. Whether physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or all combined, can be addressed in this healing. Lana sees everyone as a Multidimensional Being and while healing is able to see through the layers of perception, what needs to be addressed and in what dimension or frequency to calibrate specifically, in order to heal the particular symptom, disease, stress, emotional trauma, grieve, pain, lack, or any other energy that may be interfering with the harmony and self-healing capacity of your Body / Bodies (Physical Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Spiritual Body, and so on).

  • This depends completely on your specific situation and what it is you are wanting to receive healing and support with. There are patients who need one Healing in order to shift and continue on their journeys, while there are others who come to do deeper work, which means that they may need more time and sessions to heal. Some return regularly as a monthly check up after a deeper dive. Each one finds their own rhythm and Lana always encourages her clients to tap into their inner guidance, to know when they are ready to receive another session and go deeper or higher in their ascension journeys. Some clients come with very specific healing goals in mind that require a specific amount of time. For any deeper issue, or for patients who want to go deeper and resolve faster in their healing journeys, Lana offers a monthly private Individual Healing-Coaching with her. You can find an application link in the Healing Sessions tab of this website.

  • Please be in a calm and quiet space, where you can relax and lay down for the second part of the Healing Session. Please make sure to drink plenty of water the days prior and after your session. You can light up some candles or sage if you wish and you can also take a salt-bath the day before, in order to cleanse your physical body and prepare for the session. The reason for you to drink more water than usual is because water is an energy (healing-light) conduit, which means that it helps to better integrate the new healing energies in your physical body, as well as eliminating what is no longer needed.

    *No alcohol intake the week before and after if possible, and at minimum two days before and after. The intake of alcohol (not to mention any other substances) can interfere greatly with the healing process.)

    *If you are currently medicated or use any type of drugs, please mention this to Lana, as you schedule your session.

    You will receive a zoom link invitation to attend your session, and you should just click on it, at the agreed scheduled time and Lana will let you in the meeting.

Sacred Geometry Lana Healer Medicine Woman



