11/11 Crystal Healing Activation for Divine feminine and masculine
30 min audio healing journey to reclaim your power and essence as an individual and divine human being.
We work with ancient healing methods to retrieve codes to activate in this time-line for healing, support, encouragement, transformation and rebirth of your new self and cellular alchemy.
For everyone wanting to ground new Crystal-Codes heal internally and update externally. Indigo, Crystal, Angelics, Starmothers.Physical, emotional and mental healing harmonization.
Abundance and Clarity.
Angelic seals, Lemurian translations, Ancient prophecies update.
Recognition of self through the Divine Mirror
Lightlanguage Activation
Empowerment DM DF
Self- Forgiveness DM DF TF Model
Grounding through Physical BodyFeminine / Masculine Divine Blueprint Restoration
Divine Feminine / Masculine Advancements
Getting unstuck - Advancement of LightRecording for all
Much love!
“May Union blossom for you and your Beloved” Lana