Divine Healing - Forgiveness for the Beloved - guided meditation twinflames, soulmates, soulgroup
This is a guided healing and meditation. We use the Hoponopono blessing and other blessing techniques to bring forward healing and forgiveness for the energy of the Feminine and Masculine on Earth and the Divine Feminine and Masculine Reconciliation within All.
We clear and heal through both the feminine and masculine emotional, pain-body, subconscious patterns, ancestral karmic bonds and ties with the Beloved and other soulmates and soul-group.
We bring in the energetic capacity to forgive and release all that is no longer serving in the path towards union and truth.
We also help you regather your wisdom and spiritual gifts, as well as your personal power, wherever you or your Beloved gave it away in past incarnations and other timelines.
We download a new Temple of Light for the Healing and Advancement of the Beloveds as they offer and accept the clearing of karma through the Hoponopono prayer.
Blessing for Earth and all Divine Unions, blessings for mother earth and all her inhabitants.
This is a powerful healing, best to do lying down or sitting in a meditative position.
Not driving or doing anything that requires focus.
This is a 30min long audio.
May this assist you,
Much love