Healing a broken Heart I Healing the Wound of Separation I Healing Grief and Loss with your Beloved


This is a 40 min long audio during which you will receive:

~ Clearing and Healing for the heart, back heart, high heart activation and lungs

~ Cleansing physical body, meridians and centers, specially Ajna, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus and Sacral.

~ Cleansing of your entire body, field and space.

~ Activation and entering sacred Temple of the Heart.

~ Activation and grounding sacred Union Temple (Isis ans Osiris)

~ Healing Chamber of union - activating 2 Flames

~ Clearing for past trauma, Samskaras and inner child clearing

~ Releasing primordial wounds of fear, separation, war, poverty, fear of death

~ Clearing for past life Heart Wounds and scars, clearing foe crystalized emotion in the bodies, specially physical body, emotional body and pain body.

~ Clearing and adjustment through the brain and cognitive responses. Healing for physical brain and energetic attunements.

~ Higher Consciousness anchoring and Merge with the Divine (source- spirit) Healing for pre-birth experiences

~ Resolution of conflict through Divine Love

~ Activation of Forgiveness and Compassion for the Beloved and for all

~ Field of Oneness

~ This Healing can also be done for a loved one, or even a person who has passed on to the other side

~ Healing grieve, loss and separation

~ Blessing from the Ancient ones for the Heart of the Beloveds to come home. ❤️💙

If you want to receive this healing please be in a quiet and calm space and lay down comfortably. Please hydrate properly before and after.

And let. me know in the comments bellow how you are feeling after the healing. Would love to hear from you!

Sending you much love,


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