Eternal Love - teaching and healing on Love - healing wounds - Ceremony TF
Love and union through space and time - a spiritual and broader perspective on Love
∞ Deep Wound Healing ∞
∞ This is a 2.50 hrs long recording.
∞ Healing for Twin Flames / Awakened Souls
∞ Healing for the feminine and masculine ∞
Anchor Eternal Love and new Union Templates ∞
Healing for everyone
- Lovers union activation
- Contact future self to receive energetic information of your union, guidance and steps to follow from your higher-self
- Activating the Heart through Divine Masculine
- Forgiveness towards each other
- Release of Karmic Bonds
- Healing heart wounds
- Healing past life's with the other
- Healing connections to past lovers
- Healing past encounters with twin flame
- Healing separation
- Healing through Arcturian Timelines
- Healing self-worth
∞ We allow the energies of eternal love to cleanse and anchor the new frequencies of love, activate a new field of Union, and support both the masculine and feminine energies.
I love you and hope this assists you and your beloved.
Much love to you, Lana
“Lancelot and Guinevere – they looked like two flowers, bright enough to turn to each other for sunlight.”
This Ceremony took place on Feb.14th, 2020
May it continue to bless all who are guided here now.
This is an example of what our Full Moon Ceremonies are like.
To join us in these beautiful gatherings each single month and receive a recording of them, please sign up to my monthly Full Moon Ceremonies subscription.
Much love,
This is a 2.50 hrs long recording.
This is an example of what our Full Moon Ceremonies are like. To join us in these beautiful gatherings each month and receive a recording of them, please sign up to my monthly Full Moon Ceremonies subscription.