Masculine Healing Circle Clearing and Healing


This is a guided healing and meditation to help you clear and balance your masculine energy. This was the healing part of our past Masculine Healing Circle. Healing through the heart, nervous system, eyes vision and perspective alignment. Letting go of enmeshment with other fields and people. Activating your Divine Potential. Restoring honor, divine wisdom, through the Arcturian timelines. Updating Masculine template and Masculine Archetype. Honoring and forgiving the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine within and without. Restoring peace through all systems. Restoring Gentle Strength.

Healing relationship with feminine and clearing Mother-wound and codependency, to help healthier relationships with the feminine, clearing through the oceans and the water.

Releasing and healing old timelines through the Shamanic Template and the Magician Template. Releasing timelines of war.

Healing for your singular way in which you hold your energy at this time. Old ideas of what it means to be a man and what a healthy balanced masculine energy really is.

Focus on the now as the divine powerful being that you are. Focus on truth. Showing up in truth and honesty with yourself and others.

Blessings for all.


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