Major Divine Counterpart Union-Mission Clearing and Healing for the Beloveds V

Sale Price:$25.00 Original Price:$40.00

This is the fifth healing of a new Divine Counterpart Healing Activations Series, channeled by Lana, to assist all Divine Feminine and Masculine fields to heal and clear and work on their Unions. 

In this healing we work particularly on inner and outer union, healing DM and DF, ancestral karmic issues, karmic blockages, past-life trauma, childhood wounding / bonding wounds and trauma, neg. collective consciousness clearing,  clearing fear of lack and lack- and fearful mindsets and states of the mind.

We clear through the physical human mind and perceptions - trauma and abuse for the DM field, we clear obsession, codependency and self-sacrifice for the DM field, clearing outdated feminine and masculines models, marriage templates, reinvention of the self through honoring and serving Mission, understanding individual and joined Divine Missions of the Beloveds, activating Mission for DM, realigning Mission for both counterparts, blessing Unions on Earth, going beyond separation, Healing and Balancing Mind and Heart for the new twins, activation of Divine Love and Divine Union - One Love.

Activating fields of Love.

More Protection.

And much more! 

Let me know how you feel after!

So much love,

May this be of assistance to you and your Beloved!


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Sale Price:$20.00 Original Price:$40.00
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